Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Ang Bagong Misal sa Panahon ng Adbiyento at Pasko
Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission Manila |
Books |
1 |
The Truce Of God
Eerdmans Pub Co |
Books |
1 |
Real Presence Through the Ages: Jesus Adored in the Sacrament of the Altar
Alba House |
Books |
1 |
Sister Wendy on Prayer
Harmony |
Books |
1 |
The Promised Land
Hawthorn Books, Inc. |
Books |
1 |
St Pauls |
Books |
1 |
Symbols of Inner Truth: Uncovering the Spiritual Meaning of Experience
Paulist Pr |
Books |
1 |
Marguerite Porete: The Mirror of Simple Souls (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Paulist Press |
Books |
1 |
Sobornost: Eastern Unity of Mind and Heart for Western Man (Madonna House Classics) (Vol 2)
Madonna House Pubns |
Books |
1 |
The Community Called Church (Theology For Artisans of a New Humanity)
Orbis Books |
Books |
1 |