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  Title Copies
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Meditations for Every Day 
Year: 1940 
Roget's International Thesaurus (Harper Colophon Books) 
Edition: 5th 
Year: 1984 
ISBN: 0690000103 
ISBN 13: 9780690000108 
Call No: PE1591 .R73 1984 
Liberation Theology: A Documentary History 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 088344593X 
ISBN 13: 9780883445938 
Women at the Well: Feminist Perspectives on Spiritual Direction 
Edition: Highlighting/underlining 
Year: 1988 
ISBN: 0809130181 
ISBN 13: 9780809130184 
Call No: BV4527 .F57 1988 
Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry 
Year: 1961 
Call No: BF408 .M25 1961 
The Testimony of St. Paul 
Year: 1983 
ISBN: 0854392211 
ISBN 13: 9780854392216 
God's Word at Mass 
Edition: 1967 
How to Pray and Why We Need to Pray: Silent Prayer or Contemplative Prayer 
Year: 2007 
ISBN 13: 9789710390656 
The Holy Preaching: The Sacramentality of the Word in the Liturgical Assembly 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0814661807 
ISBN 13: 9780814661802 
I Am the Truth: Toward a Philosophy of Christianity (Cultural Memory in the Present) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 0804737800 
ISBN 13: 9780804737807